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House Structure

The College House system plays a significant role in the pastoral care of every child and provides another level of connection and wellbeing amongst students of all year levels.

Being a member of a House gives students a sense of belonging as they work together to foster a healthy team spirit, nurture leadership skills and develop strong, positive relationships with one another. House allocation takes place upon a student's entry to the Junior School and again for the commencement of Year 7.

In the Junior School, students wear the House colours proudly each week and participate in fun and competitive House activities. Junior School House Captains are elected from amongst the Year 6 cohort by the Years 4 to 6 students. There are four Houses in the Junior School: Moynihan, O'Dowling, O'Halloran and Treacey.

Two additional Houses are in place at the Senior School: Columba and Kildare. At the Senior School level, each of the six Houses has a staff House Coordinator who works with House-based Homeroom staff and student House Captains so that all students enjoy the many different House activities. Students’ connection to their House is incredibly strong, as they journey throughout Senior School with the same House, developing friendships across multiple year levels. 


Students are offered an array of opportunities to showcase their talents through Interhouse competitions such as Swimming, Cross Country, Dance, Athletics and Chorale. Competitions such as these, reward not only the winning House, but also the House that displays the highest level of enthusiasm and camaraderie. This award is known as the ‘Spirit Shield’ and is a true testament to the can-do attitude that our students show in all of their endeavours. Ionians often comment that Interhouse events are amongst their most treasured times at the College.

Annual House Events

St Patrick’s Day House Fair
House Feast Days
House Masses
Interhouse Swimming
Interhouse Cross Country
Interhouse Dance
Interhouse Athletics
Interhouse Chorale
Interhouse Volleyball
House Reading Challenge