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Bringing the Global World into our Classroom

At Iona, we recognise the importance of technology (ICT) in our society and as such it is carefully integrated into the teaching and learning programs. Technology supports a dynamic Curriculum and enables our students to investigate, create, collaborate and communicate. 

Staff undergo rigorous and regular professional development alongside their peers to ensure they remain at the forefront of technological pedagogy.

Learning with Technology at our Junior School

As part of the Kindy to Year 6 Curriculum, students discover the wonder of their device and how it can be utilised to create content, as well as consume knowledge. 

The Digital Technologies and STEM Curriculum harnesses the power of robotics to think creatively and analytically, learn essential computational thinking skills and encourage innovation.

It is through a myriad of opportunities that are facilitated by passionate teachers of the highest calibre, that our Junior School students develop outstanding creative and digital literacy skills for now and for well into the future. 

Learning with Technology at our Senior School

Technology is used seamlessly throughout each learning area and year level in the Senior School to harness, develop, communicate and showcase learning. 

For example, in Science, students create multimodal iBooks about forces in motion, and in Humanities and Social Sciences, virtual reality goggles are utilised to simulate historical events. In Mathematics, students have fun creating songs that explain mathematical concepts in meaningful and more detailed ways, and bringing Shakespeare to life in English through the use of iPads certainly builds a greater understanding of Early Modern English. The possibilities are endless!

The study of Digital Technologies is a core subject in Year 7 and Year 8 that allows students many wonderful and exciting opportunities. From designing their own games, to flying drones and creating augmented reality scenes. This course develops skills of innovation and encourages students to approach challenges from different angles as well as create quick and sustainable solutions. It’s a very popular and dynamic course for our students. 

Iona Presentation College is committed to a technological approach that is safe and appropriate so to support engagement with learning that inspires a lifelong passion for learning. 

Expectations and Cyber Safety

At Iona, we value teaching our students how to be appropriate digital citizens. Part of this includes agreeing to ICT acceptable use policies, and engaging with our community by providing:

  • Digital citizenship talks for Years 4 to 6
  • Digital Induction Day for Year 7
  • Parent eChats 
  • Digital Rights and Responsibilities Workshops


All students are supported by our IT Helpdesk staff.  Students can seek assistance from our in-house IT experts for any technical issues that may arise. 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8.00am - 4.00pm
IT Helpdesk: helpdesk@iona.wa.edu.au