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Founded on 11 September 1907, Iona Presentation College is named after the Scottish Isle of Iona. Five Presentation Sisters followed a call in the 1900s that brought them to Western Australia.

Learn more about Iona's history here.

Founding of Iona Presentation College

The Presentation Sisters were founded in 1775 in Ireland by Nano Nagle. 

They came first to Richmond, Tasmania in October 1866, to Melbourne, Victoria in 1873 and to Wagga Wagga, New South Wales in 1874. The Sisters that founded Wagga Wagga came from Kildare in Ireland. 

Two Australian born women, Mary Treacey, known as Mother Angela Treacey, entered Wagga Wagga, New South Wales in 1877, followed by Rose Jones, known as Mother John Jones, entered at Hay, New South Wales in 1888. Three young Irish women followed: Catherine O’Dowling, known as Mother Joseph O’Dowling, entered at Wagga Wagga in 1877; Teresa O’Halloran, known as Mother Paul O’Halloran entered at Hay, New South Wales in 1891; Brigid Moynihan, known as Mother Columba Moynihan, entered at Hay in 1891.

These pioneering women left Hay, New South Wales, on 29 January 1900 bound for the Western Australian goldfields. After setting up foundations in Southern Cross (1900), Collie (1902), Cottesloe (1905), they founded Buckland Hill (Mosman Park) in 1907. Mother Angela Treacey was the initial foundress of the Perth Congregation. 

Bishop Gibney, who was then the Bishop of Perth, remarked that the site in Mosman Park, situated on a rise with the Swan River on one side and the ocean on the other, reminded him of the Isle of Iona, and he hoped that Iona would become a centre of learning and a centre from which the Gospel would be spread. Additionally, as one of the founding Sisters was Mother Columba, it was decided an appropriate name for the College would be Iona. 

The College was founded on 11 September 1907 and opened its doors to students on 2 February 1908.

In 2017, the Presentation Sisters transferred the governance of Iona Presentation College to the Archbishop of Perth. It remains a priority for the Archdiocese and the College to preserve the tradition, charism and story of the Presentation Sisters that has transformed Iona from its humble beginnings to the highly sought-after Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 educational facility that it is today.