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Camps and Tours

Students at Iona Presentation College are provided many opportunities to extend their learning beyond the traditional classroom in a range of camps and tours.

Every camp, immersion or tour, will offer your child a chance to build networks, make connections and improve interactions with their peers. The camp environment also helps to improve a student's independence and level of responsibility.

Junior School

Camp experiences begin in Year 5 in the Junior School with their, ‘Big Day Out’. Students participate in team building, problem solving, adventure and leadership activities – preparing them for life as Junior School leaders in Year 6.

In their final year at the Junior School, Year 6 students attend a three-day adventure where they can challenge themselves with activities such as orienteering, rock climbing and abseiling. Students are encouraged to build upon their resilience skills and friendship circles. 

Senior School


Year 7 students participate in an overnight retreat held on campus, whilst Year 8 students participate in a three-day outdoor adventure experience which introduces them to many of the skills that will be required on their five-day Year 9 expedition.

These camps provide our students with challenging experiences that aim to develop a strong sense of self as well as working with others towards a shared goal.


In the Languages areas of Italian, French and Indonesian, students have the opportunity to travel to the country of their chosen study to immerse themselves in the culture and language.

Other tours include the Performing Arts Tour, developing students' passions and skills in this arena; and the Canberra Tour which is aimed at exploring Australia's political landscape and history.

As a part of a larger Presentation Schools' network, students also have the opportunity to attend an exchange program or conference to another Presentation College within Australia.

Gifted students at Iona may be invited to compete at a world class level in the World Scholar's Cup with the competition location different each year. 

Students studying certain subjects in Years 10 to 12 may attend camps specific to Art, Music, Outdoor Education and/or Science.


Under the banner of Service Learning, students may have the opportunity to be selected for participation in an Indigenous cultural immersion to the Kimberley or an overseas immersion. In past years, Ionians have participated in overseas Service Immersions to India and Vietnam. More recently in 2023, students visited Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory and Warmun in Western Australia’s Kimberley region.

These service immersion programs provide meaningful opportunities for our students to learn in unfamiliar environments, broaden their experiences and learn about different cultures whilst at the same time contributing to the global community. Students at Iona are encouraged to emulate the Presentation charism of 'deeds, not words' in all they do. It is this commitment to social justice that sees Iona students giving freely of themselves to be of service to those in need.