Senior School Arts
Performing Arts
The Performing Arts plays a major role in shaping the values of tradition and excellence associated with Iona Presentation College. As Arts educators, our mission is to recognise and nurture the creative potential within every student. Through a range of opportunities in both Curricular and Co-curricular forums, students quickly develop the discipline and technique required to shape their understanding and experience for success in Dance, Drama and Music.
Dance allows students to communicate their ideas through an artistic medium and develop their movement skills. It develops confidence, fosters creative and critical thinking, improves communication skills and artistically challenges their views and expectations.
Dance Co-curricular
- Dance Club
- Musical Theatre Club
- Years 7-9 Production
- College Production
- Interhouse Dance
Drama provides students the opportunity to engage in processes such as improvisation, play building, text interpretation, playwriting and dramaturgy which allows them to create original drama and interpret a range of texts. Drama builds confidence, empathy, understanding about human experience and a sense of identity and belonging. These are invaluable qualities for contemporary living.
Drama Co-curricular
- Musical Theatre Club
- Years 7-9 Production
- College Production
- Wardrobe Crew Club
- Production Crew Club
Music is central to the lives of young people and provides an avenue for creativity and self- expression. Music study gives students the opportunity to gain an understanding of the unique language, techniques and conventions of Music. Students are engaged in a range of learning activities including composing, listening, performing and responding.
Music Co-curricular
- Chorale
- College Choir
- Year 7 Choir
- Swing Out Sisters
- Brass Ensemble
- Camerata Advanced String Ensemble
- Concert Band
- Guitar Ensemble
- Jazz Band
- Percussion Ensemble
- Rock Bands
- String Orchestra
- Symphony Orchestra
- The Embouchures
Students on both campuses may also participate in private music lessons encompassing a wide range of instruments and voice training. All lessons are facilitated by highly qualified sessional music tutors who bring unique expertise and enthusiasm.
Production Arts
At Iona Presentation College, the Production Arts suite of subjects provides our students with many opportunities to share, cultivate and convey creative ideas with others within an innovative, state-of-the-art learning space. From our Year 7 students being exposed to many disciplines and techniques for the first time, through to the Year 12 students who are working as independent visual artists presenting sophisticated portfolios of work, our students share a wholehearted and enthusiastic approach to the subject.
In the Production Arts area, we strive to ensure each, and every student feels welcomed, empowered and encouraged to find their individual talents and pursue their own original ideas. Students at Iona experience a range of studio areas in our multi-purpose facilities: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Glass, Printmaking, Photography, Media and Design. Through a diverse range of mediums, girls have the opportunity to explore their ideas by using direct experience, observation, curiosity, research, imagination and emotion. They are encouraged to interpret and reflect upon both their own work, that of their peers and also the works of contemporary Australian and International artists, designers and filmmakers with an analytical eye.
Production Arts Co-curricular:
The Production Arts department offers a dynamic and varied selection of Co-curricular activities that run at lunchtimes and after-school on various days across each term. Examples of activities include, but are not limited to:
- Broadcasting Club
- Design Club
- Production Arts activities including: jewellery-making, paper making, glass fusing, ceramics, illustration, digital animation and printmaking.