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Acknowledgement of Country

Audio: Rosilee Smith (Class of 2024), who is a part of the Noongar Nation and Makayla Fazackerley (Class of 2024), who is from the Tasman Peninsula and is a part of the Pydairrerme Nation.

"Kaya Noonakoort

Hello Everyone

Wandjubirdiya, Wandjumaaman, yoka, koolangka

Welcome visitors, welcome men, women and children

Ngala kaadatjnidja Noongar Boodja

We acknowledge this is Noongar Country

Over the green grass the bobtails roam and like the flight of the boomerang, the magpies flies across the river and feeds on the sweetness of the banksia

This is the land of the crow and cockatoo dreaming.

We pay our respects to their Elders–past, present and future, for they hold the memories, culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia."


Collaborative Artwork

This collaborative art piece was created in 2021 by Year 10 Outdoor Education Students, ably instructed and inspired by Grace Comeagain, a Yamatji Wongi woman, from Urban Indigenous

Smoking Ceremony of the Albeus Fahey Building (November 2021)

Smoking ceremonies are a common practice in many different cultures, and they are essentially for the same purpose, a cleansing or purification of people, place or space. This ceremony might be part of a welcoming ceremony for visitors cleansing them of bad spirits or it could be used to purify a new building before being occupied. In some instances, a building or place where a person has died may require a smoking before people enter and re-use the building again. The smoking at Iona Presentation College was to smoke a new building, but because the building was occupied the smoking was done outside and included a smoking ceremony for staff and students. Materials used for the smoking included jarrah for the fire and coals and leaves from the marri tree (red gum Corymbia calophylla) and wonil (peppermint gonis flexuosa).
Professor Simon Forrest, Nyoongar Elder

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Presentation Reflection Walk

Sister Marion, Sister Anna and Miss Gemma Thomson


Presentation Reflection Walk

Explanation of the Walk